New sequence(s) to be added to the reference above: Example Gaps (if any) will be removed. or upload a plain text file: Clear Zipped file is acceptable.
Allow unusual symbols (Selenocysteine "U", Inosine "i", non-alphabetical characters, etc.) Help
Direction of nucleotide sequences: Same as input Adjust direction according to the first sequence (accurate enough for most cases) Beta Adjust direction according to the first sequence (only for highly divergent data; very slow) Beta
Output order: Same as input Aligned
Sequence title: Same as input Insert "New|" at the head of title of each new sequence
Title length in Clustal format (only first word is used as title): (10 – 100)
Job name (optional): (basic Latin alphabet, number and space only)
Notify when finished (optional; recommended when submitting large data): Email address:
MSA unmasked (reference=WIV04) MSA full0822 MSA full0627 MSA full0608 MSA full0523 MSA full0517 MSA codon0813 MSA codon0630 MSA codon0606 MSA codon0519 MSA codon0516
By this switch,
The resulting alignment can be concatenated to the entire or a part of GISAID's MSA to incorporate your new sequences into the MSA. The GISAID MSA has to be downloaded separately from the original site.
Insert gaps at codon boundaries as possible. Works only with GISAID's references.
--addtotop: Use only the top sequence as reference.
and replace succesive ns (nucleotide) or Xs (protein) in new sequences with a single n or X.
--compactmapout: Output the positions of insertions in added sequences and in the reference alignment. Updated (2021/Dec)
↑ Failed when the "allow unusual symbols" option was on, Jan/18 –. Fixed Jan/20, 2022.
--6merpair (Fast) --multipair --weighti 0 (Intermediate) --multipair (Accurate)
↑ Switch it to '1PAM / κ=2' when aligning closely related DNA sequences.
↑ If long gaps are not expected, set it as 0.1 or larger value.
↓ Long stretches of Ns tend to be gapped (excluded from the alignment).
(nwildcard) N is treated like a wildcard. Experimental option (2016/Apr/26)
↑ Try this if Ns should be aligned with usual letters.