MAFFT version 7

Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide sequences

Acceptable symbols in the default mode

If other alphabets are included in the input data, then the calculation stops with an error message.  Non-alphabetical characters (excl. period) are removed by default.  Use the --anysymbol option below, if you need to use these characters.

Sequence type (protein / nucleotide) is automatically recognized based on the frequency of a, t, g, c, and u, unless the --amino or --nuc flag is given.


To use unusual characters (e.g., U as selenocysteine in protein sequence; i as inosine in nucleotide sequence), use the --anysymbol option:
% mafft --anysymbol input > output

It accepts any printable characters (U, O, #, $, %, etc.; 0x21-0x7e in the ASCII code), execpt for > (0x3e) and ( (0x28).  Unusual characters are scored as unknown (not considered in the calculation), unlike in the --text mode

When the input data is:


The result will be:


Upper/lower case is preserved.  The --anysymbol option is internally equivalent to the --preservecase option.

For aligning non-biological sequences, use the --text mode, in which unusual characters are also considered in the alignment calculation.