This function may be unstable, as urgently updated to use more resources, 2020/Apr/11. If you have any problems, please send feedback.
New sequence(s) to be added to the above alignment: Example Gaps (if any) will be removed. or upload a plain text file: Clear
Allow unusual symbols (Selenocysteine "U", Inosine "i", non-alphabetical characters, etc.) Help
Direction of nucleotide sequences: Same as input Adjust direction according to the first sequence (accurate enough for most cases) Beta Adjust direction according to the first sequence (only for highly divergent data; very slow) Beta
Output order: Same as input Aligned
Sequence title: Same as input Insert "New|" at the head of title of each new sequence
Job name (optional; used as output file name and subject of emails): (basic Latin alphabet, number and space only)
Notify when finished (optional; recommended when submitting large data): Email address:
↓ Failed when the "allow unusual symbols" option was on, Jan/18 –. Fixed Jan/20, 2022.
Positions of insertions in added sequences and in the reference alignment will be returned by the --compactmapout option. Updated (2021/Dec)
Progressive methods FFT-NS-2 (Fast) G-INS-1 (Slow; uses all-pair global alignment) L-INS-1 (Slow; uses all-pair local alignment) Iterative refinement methods New! 2017/Dec FFT-NS-i (Slow) G-INS-i (Slower; uses all-pair global alignment) L-INS-i (Slower; uses all-pair local alignment)
Iterative refinement methods New! 2017/Dec FFT-NS-i (Slow) G-INS-i (Slower; uses all-pair global alignment) L-INS-i (Slower; uses all-pair local alignment)
↑ Switch it to '1PAM / κ=2' when aligning closely related DNA sequences.
↑ If long gaps are not expected, set it as 0.1 or larger value.