#!/bin/sh #PBS -q x # x = queue name #PBS -l select=6:mpiprocs=2:ompthreads=8 # 6 machines x 16 cores (2 processes x 8 threads in each machine) #PBS -W group_list=y # y = your group id (if necessary) #PBS -l walltime=01:00:00 # max. running time = one hour (if necessary) cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR # Configuration for MPI. Depends on environment #. /etc/profile.d/modules.sh #module load intel/ intel-mpi/ # Configuration for the pairwise alignment stage: export MAFFT_MPIRUN="mpirun" export MAFFT_N_THREADS_PER_PROCESS="8" # must be equal to ompthreads above export MAFFT_TMPDIR=/fast/shared/filesystem/maffttmp # Configuration for progressive alignment stage: /somewhere/bin/mafft --mpi --large --globalpair --thread 16 input > output # Use 16 cores on one of the machines assigned by scheduler. # --globalpair can be replaced by --genafpair, --localpair, --oldgenafpair