#!/bin/bash #$ -cwd # #$ -V # #$ -pe mpi16 160 # Request 160 cores in a parallel environment (PE) named "mpi16". # Suppose that 16 cores in each node are assigned in this PE. # Ask sys admin if an appropriate PE is available # for such a purpose. # Configure MPI as necessary. #. /foo/bar/mpivars.sh # Configuration for the pairwise alignment stage: export MAFFT_N_THREADS_PER_PROCESS=1 export MAFFT_MPIRUN="mpirun -n 160" # 1 thread per process x 16 processes = 16 threads run on each node. # Add environment-specific options, such as -perhost 16 -binding none # Configuration for progressive alignment stage: /somewhere/bin/mafft --mpi --large --globalpair --thread 16 input > output # 8 threads run on one of the machines assigned by scheduler. # --globalpair can be replaced by --genafpair, --localpair, --oldgenafpair